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The ACBC CEUs, originally scheduled for May through November, are no longer taking place. We encourage you to check the ACBC website ( for other CEU opportunities.

Past CEU titles and links are listed below. While they are no longer available for CEU credit, we trust that you find them helpful and informative. Thank you. 

CEU Schedule 2024

January 30 — Practical Homework Assignments (Sean Perron)

This training provided an in-depth treatment of possible homework assignments related to the spiritual disciplines. It gives specific and recommended resources that are not covered in the fundamentals track. We have developed a counseling homework filing system and will be showing our counselors examples of what is in the files related to homework. Counselors always need to be sharpened in the area of assigning homework. Guidelines are given on how to design and assign well-rounded homework that not only requires Bible studies and reading literature but also requires learning and practicing skills.

February 20 — The Counseling Needs of Senior Adults (Pastor John Blount)

Senior adults have special counseling needs that we need to be tuned into. Among other things, they deal with issues of chronic pain, financial pressures, failing health and the death of a spouse. How do we lovingly shepherd them and what resources are available? This training will answer these questions and share additional valuable information.

March 19 — A Theology of Marriage/God’s Purpose for Marriage (Pastor Spencer Harmon)

This seminar reinforces what we believe about marriage. This is important because of the degradation of marriage in our culture and world. This theology of marriage will then be applied to marriage counseling methodology.

April 16 — Neuroscience, the Body and Biblical Counseling (Dr. Jenn Chen)

This webinar explores a basic introduction to brain science and how to tell hype from accuracy in a world that is making huge claims about the brain. Dr. Chen also talks about what a biblical counselor should do with neuroscience research.

View Power Point Slides here.

View Supplemental Notes here